Education and child sponsorship

Child sponsorship programme

The Mpora Rural Family Home currently sponsors 60 orphaned or vulnerable children from exceptionally poor families in the area. It caters for their schooling, medical and essential needs. The home takes on pre-schoolers and sponsors them beyond secondary education, sometimes a 15 year commitment. Many children live at the MRFH itself. The children's achievements so far include:

  • Hundreds have completed their academic studies and obtained employment.
  • One young man had successfully trained to be a teacher, another is at a top University and another is completing training at a seminary.
  • Setting up their own busnesses
  • Taking A levels, an opportunity that they could never have imagined benefiting from without sponsorship

uganda homestay child sponsorship

The hope is that each of these success stories will in their turn help others from the Kichwamba community ensuring that the rewards reaped from fundraising are sustained on a long term basis.

children at the Rural family home  children preparing food

Want to sponsor a child’s education?

It costs about $200 to pay for school fees, accommodation, meals, uniform and books for a child per year. If you can help by making a donation please get in touch.

Or you can pay towards the National Exams which enables pupils to sit the exams that will secure thir future

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Building community resources

Before Mpora Rural Family Home children who were lucky enough to receive an education had to complete a 30 km round trip often on foot each day to reach their local school. There are  ow two schools on site; a primary and secondary school for local children.

  • The Kisanga Valley Primary School initially opened its doors to 99 children on the 13th February 2005. Today 400 local children have the chance to learn to read and write and develop numeracy skills in this friendly and welcoming school. There are 14 teachers.
  • The Moons Vocational Secondary school educates around 500 students from the local area annually with 22 teachers.
  • The Mpora Rural Family Home has built and stocked a library used by the whole community, where the children can study and complete homework tasks in a safe and clean environment.

In addition this has created employment for 36 teaching and 10 non-teaching staff in the schools.

School buildings teacherschildren in a classroom


Sustainable farming and agricultural techniques

The Mpora Rural Family Home has developed the farm land around to primarily support the child sponsorship programme enabled children to achieve a balanced diet through subsistence farming. The farming and agricultural programme's achievements have also included:

  • improving agricultural practices in the community through demonstrating sustainable crop planting method
  • the planting of 9000 trees as part of an environmental conservation programme
  • helping to stimulate the local economy by using and promoting local produce such as cultivating crops like yams and ground nuts on an extensive basis to sell and generate income
  • development of a fish farm that harvests over 500 nutritious (and lucrative) tilapia fish
  • providing opportunities for children to learn agricultural techniques and animal husbandry

In addition this has created employment for local families working on the farming and agricultural projects

  Man in bean fields Fish pond

Want to find out how you can help please visit Donate. The Mpora Rural Family Home is looking for donations of time, ideas, support and resources.




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